Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 5 - Divine appointment

Today we were supposed to go to the Shanxi museum but our guide thought we'd better take advantage of the good weather and go to the park. 

So we head to Yingze Park which was beautiful and strange all at once.  It has a large amusement park area which is closed in the winter.  It was sort of like going through an old run down Disney where all the rides and shops are closed.    Beyond that there was a lake and a more traditional park area. 

We saw a lot of people dancing which was fun to watch.  Some couples dancing, many ladies dancing with fans and even a group of people dancing "Gangnum Style" - I kid you not.   :)  

We saw some men playing with a Chinese yo-yo.   Apparently many retired people come everyday to the park for dance and exercise.   It was nice to see this bit of the culture and just to get out for a walk. 

We came back to the hotel and had Chinese Pizza.  :)  

I stayed with Bo to put him down for a nap and Matt went off with the guide to Yangquan the city Bo is from.

Matt's mission was to get a picture of the orphanage and Bo's finding spot.   It is about a 2 hour drive from the Capital of Taiyuan, where we are staying.  It is up steep hills that are carved out for agriculture.  They are growing lots and lots of corn on the top of the hills all around the area.
Matt got to see the orphanage.  They are building a nice new building which is set to open in December.   It is beautiful and very very big.   We've seen pictures of the old building which are pretty sad.  Unfortunately the orphanage doesn't accept visitors so Matt wasn't able to go in but we are glad to have some pictures for Bo of where he first lived. 

Matt also went to the hospital, a burn unit actually, where Bo was found.   We wanted a picture for Bo to have someday.   Matt and the guide went into the hospital asking about the burn unit and they were told where it was.  They went to find the spot and also talked with the nurse.   Turns out she is the nurse that found our Bo two and a half years ago.  A divine moment! 

She told Matt what she remembers.   Unfortunately, in China people get arrested when giving up their babies so it is quite risky to leave your child. We know that he was loved enough for someone to want him to be found and to risk being seen leaving him in a public area. Tears in my eyes just thinking about it.  

Matt was able to tell the nurse that he has a home and a family and that he will be loved.   A divine moment indeed!

Thanking God for this nurse and for Matt having the chance to meet her two and a half years later!!

Matt got back and we had a quiet evening in the hotel.  Bo actually had several hours of play time without crying until we put him down for bed.   He's not a big fan of going to sleep.

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