Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 3 - Beloved Son

Truth be told I didn't get much sleep last night.  I woke up at about 3AM nervous and excited to meet Bo.  We tried to eat a little breakfast and met our guide at 9:30AM.

They took us straight to civil affairs office for this province.  We went up the elevator down a hall of red doors.  We stopped in front of one door and were told to wait outside. We've waited for about a year and a half but knowing our son was behind that door made it terribly difficult to wait even a second longer.   

We waited probably only a few minutes but it felt like forever to an impatient Mom and Dad.    We could hear tears from other children as they met their parents.   They told us Bo wasn't crying.  After they let one family leave and we were walked inside.  Bo was directly in front of us.  I want to tell you it was a beautiful moment, but it was anything but.

Don't get me wrong.  He was amazing and beautiful, but he was clearly terrified.  When we approached he lost it and didn't want much of anything to do with either of us.  You want to give him time to adjust and become comfortable but they sort of force things to happen pretty fast. 

He was very very sad and very very wet.  They told us he got sick on the way in and apparently they didn't bother to change him.  So he's scared, wet and cold.   We had to go take an official family photo for the adoption registration and then were brought back to our hotel.  

We pretty much broke every adoption rule book by having to strip him down and take away his clothing.  Essentially that is the only thing he has in this world that might be comforting and familiar but we had to get him into some warm dry clothes.  Poor little guy.  I felt so horrible for him.   

We got him cleaned up and in clothes and being the great parents we are, we fed him goldfish crackers and Cheerios.   He loved them so I'm calling that a win! Matt also got him some noodles and he ate and ate which was pretty much the only time he wasn't crying today.
He cried himself to sleep for a late nap and then Matt took him across the street to get some formula and bottles which turned into a bit of an adventure around town.  

We are doing okay just feeling bad for our boy.  His whole world has changed so dramatically overnight.   We are praying he starts to feel a little comfortable with us tomorrow.  It is painful to watch him be so distraught.    Not at all what we'd planned for our first day as a family but we know that he will forever be our son.   We will walk with him through these hard days and pray for a more hopeful tomorrow.

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